Friday, November 30, 2012


In perpetration of yet another kick at the can I went to have a sonohysterogram done on November 27th, day 10 of my cycle. 

Like always, my uterus was very uncooperative. The initial internal u/s went fine, then the tech left to get the doctor so he could preform the SHG.  The doctor came into the room and prepped me for the procedure to find that my uterus had moved. The tech kept trying to get my uterus to move with little success but much discomfort. Finally the saline was injected - hurt like crazy - then the doctor said that he sees that my lining is jagged. What the heck does that mean!?!?! Seriously though, has anyone  heard of this? Is this bad?

I was told to book a follow up appt with my RE in my hometown in the event that my RE at ORM would want a hysteroscopy done. luckily I was able to score a cancellation for next week and it turns out that my RE at ORM does in fact want me to have a hysteroscopy. Hopefully I'll be able to get in for the procedure soon cause I was hoping to go back to Portland at the end of February. 


  1. My RE had said that to me before and he was referring to endometrosis.

    1. Could that be the reason I haven't been able to get/stay pregnant you think?


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