Fast forward to June 2013, I'm supposed to have a FET at ORM but my lining only get up to 6.4mm so it was cancelled.
We tried again in August for a September 16th transfer. We changed things up this time and instead of using interamuscular Delesteogen we are using Climera patches in hopes that my lining would get above 6mm, for a little shake up so to speak.
My first ultrasound for this cycle was September 2nd - about three days earlier then normal - at RFP. They measured my lining to 6.5mm. Not too bad considering its early. Then I had to go for another ultrasound on September 9th at RFP again. Dr. S measured my lining to only be at 7 or 7.6, just depending how they placed to prob. So I asked for a second opinion - he wasn't happy but for god sakes, I'm paying a crap load of money for this. He finally agreed and brought in Dr. G. He was no better because he claimed to see my left ovary, which is funny because I DON'T HAVE ONE!!!!
So I made the decision to ask Dr. H at ORM if I could please go down there for an ultrasound and he agreed. We flew down to Portland for the ultrasound for the following Monday, September 16th. It went great! My lining was easly detected by Dr. H at a solid 9.0mm. I tell you, the machines in the US are way better then here in Canada - maybe the docs too. :) Anyway we get to go ahead with the transfer next Monday, yayy!!!
Monday September 23rd, transfer day, we got the call from the embryologist at 11:00am saying that the first two embryo's only thawed at a 50% cell survival. All I could think was "crap, it's happening all over again. All our embryo's must be this bad!" So I asked if she could just keep thawing until she finds some good ones.
We arrived at ORM at 1:15 for the transfer and to our surprise they told us that the next two embryo's they thawed look great and have a 90% and 95% cell survival. I'm so happy we didn't have to go through all our embryos to get good ones. We now have 9 frosties left.
So what do you guys think, do they look good or do you think they were just saying that? I can't really find anything on Google. :(
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